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1998 Cultural Revolution Premium Menghai Raw Puerh brick - Chairman 


10% Off for 2 Tea Cakes !!


The Cultural Revolution was a sociopolitical movement in the People's Republic of China launched by Chairman Mao Zedong.


This tea brick is not made of premium quality leaf nor exquisitely processed like other puerh cakes on our shelf which is impossible to be found in the great famine during the revolution. Yet it is the tea that offers a comfort to people at during the hard time at the revolution. This raw puerh has been refined by time for 22 years. All the raw puerh aroma and fragrance have been turned into ripe puerh mineral, woody and mellowness. We expected it would turn out to be pleasantly mineral and sweetness as our 2009 Menghai Wild Ancient Tree Raw Puerh (Limited Version).


Yet, to our surprise, it taste nothing like earthy and offers the very pleasnt light woody sweetness and honey water. It may not be the best puerh that we have but it offers us a glimpse on the teas in the great famine and the connect between tea & people at the chaotic time.


1998 Cultural Revolution Premium Menghai Raw Puerh brick - Chairman

SKU: ptrac026
  • Origin: Brown Mount., Yunnan


    Date of Pick: 1998


    Elevation : Unknown


    Bud to Leaf Ratio: ~ 1 bud :  2 leaf


    Taste: it tastes nothing like earthy and offers the very pleasnt light woody sweetness and honey water. It can withstand long steep without getting too bitter.


    Net Weight : 400 g


    Tea Bush : Grade 2 Brown Mount large-leaf tea bush species


    Caffeine: Medium caffeine (less than 20% of a cup of coffee)

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