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   60 Years of Brewing Fine Tea   
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Craftedleaf is primarily two individuals: Rachel Li (the certified senior tea master who brew and bring out the essence of tea) and Karl Wong (the experienced tea commentator who is responsible for the quality control). We’re based in Hong Kong while our hometown in Fuding & Chao Zhou, China.

Influenced by our grandparents whom the humble tea farmers back in the rural Fuding & Chao Zhou, we have strong passion in Chinese tea and art.  Craftedleaf ' s direction is to share our appreciation of tea. For us, tea is not just a drink, but a lifestyle and process that we find really relaxing. We want you to be able to experience the same.

Our Teas and Teaware:

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For more information, please see our shipping information and refund policy, privacy policy and terms of service

From the gentle refreshing aroma of green tea to the more complex flavours of puerhs, we aim to provide the finest  variety of tea for all sorts of reasons: to quench their thirst, to aid digestion, for health benefits and as a tool to explore life. All the teas are carefully selected after we went through hundreds of tea farms. We shortlist the ones which shock our perception of  tea to create the perfect menu we offer. By sipping, we hope people would feel like going through all those journeys with us. 

All the teawares are carefully selected and examined by us. With our decades of experience in teawares hunting, only authentic teawares would be sold. In our teawares, you will find  simplicity, style and how they bring out the true beauty of tea.

Free International Shipping On All Orders Over USD $70
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